I maintain that the highest motivation, the most fundamental purpose that a conscious being has, is to achieve a state of relatedness with others.
Frank A (Sarge) Gerbode, MD
The Value of Connection
Human beings, since we are social creatures, value connection and interchange. Some animals tend to live quite solitary lives. Most humans wish for warm connection with the people (and indeed animals), they hold dear. Some want a wide circle of friends and acquaintances while others are happy with a smaller group of close friends and family. With such importance falling on the value of connection where, we might wonder, does all the conflict come from?
What can we do to strengthen our ability to connect in meaningful and satisfying ways? The subject of Applied Metapsychology (AMP), provides useful methods for greater success in relationships of all kinds, from the lightest, pleasant social interaction we might have with chance-met strangers, to closer and more lasting relationships we form with school mates, co-workers, and friends, to the closest and deepest relationships we have.
Interchange of ideas brings enrichment. Freely given affection supplies us with mutual comfort and support. Creating something together has the potential to bring us satisfaction and fulfillment. More! How do we get more of this wonderful stuff?
Applied Metapsychology (AMP), gives us two paths toward successful, rewarding and mutually beneficial relationships. One may be fairly obvious; the other might surprise you.
In this subject we do not refer to a person as a “case”. Instead, we call all the mental and emotional baggage the person is carrying their “case”. Any unresolved traumas, upsets, confusions, regrets, and so forth, constitute someone’s case. Those sorts for burdens, whether we are clearly aware of the source of them or not, use up energy and can get in the way of good relationships. (This is often easier to observe in other people than in ourselves.) Addressing and resolving issues that trouble us frees up energy and attention for living.
What is the other path, you ask? The training side of Applied Metapsychology provides sometimes surprising benefits in terms of our relationships. One aspect of AMP facilitator/practitioner training has us practice the elements of communication to build our skills for use in sessions with our clients. These same skills apply to daily life, bringing closer, more satisfying connection.
Training in TIR & AMP also supplies a rich trove of applicable theory. Many people, at all levels of training and particularly the Ability Enhancement Workshop Series, report improvement in the depth and quality of their relationships, both in business and the personal side of life, as a result of the training itself.
The Ability Enhancement Workshops address major aspects of life such as help and control, memory, communication, problem resolution and much more. Study of the theory in these workshops provides insights into the way life works. Since Ability Enhancement works in the realm of personal growth and self-actualization, the theory are well as the practical application of what we learn leads to insights we can apply in life.
In addition, becoming trained as a facilitator affords you the opportunity to co-facilitate (trade sessions with someone). You can take all the time you like to address problematic areas of life during Life Stress Reduction (dealing with whatever is already “up” for us). Once complete on Life Stress Reduction we are ready to move on to the adventures of Ability Enhancement and reap its rewards.
Improving relationships is just one aspect, though a vital one, of the benefits of both receiving our own sessions and learning how to deliver sessions for the benefit of other people.
To benefit from Applied Metapsychology, see:
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