Quality of life is all about you being able to use your full abilities, being freed from painful events of the past and confusing situations in the present. Life Stress Reduction takes up the issues of most interest and importance to you, addressing each issue with a variety of specific person-centered techniques, until you feel that issue is resolved.
What results can I expect?
- More ease and satisfaction in relationships
- Enhanced self-esteem
- More clarity and certainty in life
- A sense of satisfaction that all troublesome aspects of life have been thoroughly addressed
Praise for Life Stress Reduction:
“After a big chunk of work, I have felt a great sense of relief and contentment . . . I feel ten years younger as a result.”
~J.R.J., Brockville, ON Canada- “I have found Life Stress Reduction invaluable in achieving my personal goals, recovering from the traumatic events in my life and rebuilding relationships that had fallen into disrepair. These have included recovering from my child birth experiences, developing my career, and reforming family relationships after the divorce of my parents. Life Stress Reduction, including TIR, allowed me to move on from the events of my past I felt were haunting me and, by allowing me to gain an in-depth understanding of what I had experienced, move forward successfully to focus on the present and the future. Life Stress Reduction truly allowed me to regain a part of myself that I thought I had lost forever in the past. It gave me back to me.”
~J. A. Hertfordshire, England “Life Stress Reduction techniques helped me overcome mental and emotional difficulties that had bothered me for over 30 years. Life Stress Reduction techniques helped me develop and expand my compassion for everyone in my life—and even for some persons who are no longer with me.”
~J.S.D., Dillsburg, PA USA
When we are stuck in a negative place, mentally or emotionally, it can be hard to remember that life can have a rewarding, luminous, engaging quality. It can be uplifting, exciting, and fulfilling. At the end of Life Stress Reduction one feels a new freshness and interest in life, along with diminished concern about both past events and current life situations that had been troublesome before.
A Life Stress Reduction Facilitator can provide a wide variety of approaches to assist you to address any given issue. Using lighter Life Stress Reduction techniques can aide you in building up ego strength, enabling you to be able eventually to go through the worst of any trauma and/or stress issues you feel you want to address. The many techniques in Life Stress Reduction besides TIR are also good for people who don’t have many traumas in their lives. If you feel you have other issues or areas of life that you would like to improve, and/or if you simply want to grow beyond where you currently are, look for a facilitator trained to deliver a Life Stress Reduction Program on the Practitioner Listing.
As with TIR, Life Stress Reduction is done in private sessions. A Life Stress Reduction Program is generally completed in 8 to 12 sessions. Each session can take a varying amount of time. 1½ hours is typical. You will know when your Life Stress Reduction is complete by your sense of increased quality of life, as well as increased energy and interest.
A Life Stress Reduction Program is personalized. Your LSR sessions begin with an interview to gather information about the issues and areas of life that you wish to address and improve. Your facilitator then uses the information from the interview to design a program to suit what you hope to achieve.
Common issues that clients wish to address include: traumatic experiences, relationship difficulties, low self-esteem, job or career concerns, dreaded future events, financial problems, and health concerns, but can include any subject of interest. The variety of different types of techniques typically used through the program address each main area of concern from different angles and at different levels until that area is fully handled to your satisfaction.