To find a TIR Practitioner in your area, please select the region where you live from the list provided below:
- North America
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- Russia, Africa, & India (including South Africa)
Levels of Certification for Facilitators | |
Level One | |
Name (Abbrev.): | Certified TIR Facilitator (TIRF) |
Certified to Deliver: | TIR |
Level Two | |
Name (Abbrev.): | Certified LSR Facilitator (LSRF) |
Certified to Deliver: | A complete Life Stress Reduction Program (including TIR where appropriate) |
Level Three | |
Name (Abbrev.): | Certified Ability Enhancement Facilitator (AEF) |
Certified to Deliver: | TIR, LSR, the viewing Curriculum, and a wide range of other specialized Ability Enhancement Programs |