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AMI/TIRA Newsletter 2015 – 2016
- December 2015 (Vol. XII, No. 3):
“Communion: A Theory of Motivation by” Frank A. (“Sarge”) Gerbode, M.D. - July 2015 (Vol. XII, No. 2)
“A Quick Look Under the Hood: Amygdala, Hippocampus, and Traumatic Memories” by Robert Moore, PhD
“Case Notes from a Psychiatric Hospital” by Gemma Keeley
“Invitation to an Extraordinary Adventure — The Ability Enhancement Workshop Series” - March 2015 (Vol. XII, No. 1)
“TIR and Autism Spectrum Disorder” Cathy Dodge Smith, CTIRF
“What Is and Isn’t AMP” by Frank A. (Sarge) Gerbode, M.D
“A Report from South Africa” by Yvonne Retief, Senior TIR & LSR Trainer - March 2016 (Vol. XIII, No. 1)
“Happiness is an Inside Job” by Judith Steiner, LMHC, Senior TIR Trainer, LSR Trainer
“Applying TIR As A Treatment Modality for Traumatized Children, within Herman’s Recovery Phases Of Trauma: A
Burning Victim’s Case Study In South African Social Work Context” By Dr. Elca Erlank - July 2016 (Vol. III, No. 2)
Interview with Suzanne Duc, BA Psych, MA Certified TIR Trainer, Ontario
“The Importance of Self Care in Working with Traumatized Populations” by Michael Brechtel, Certified TIR Trainer MEd., JD, LMT
“What Trauma Is Not, and What It Is” by Michael Brechtel, Certified TIR Trainer, MEd., JD, LMT
Interview with Dayton Vogel, PhD Creative Living Center of Iowa
“Traumatic Stress: Appreciating the Positive” by John Durkin, PhD