The Value of a Workable Model for Understanding Life
When considering our ability to be causative in life, in regards to the scope of our causativeness, Dr. Frank A (Sarge) Gerbode says:
It is convenient to divide this scope into concentric spheres of responsibility or “domains”:
A domain is a sphere of influence and responsibility. There are six domains: Self, intimates, groups, humankind, all life, and the infinite. These domains are concentric; each domain contains the previous ones, with the self at the center. Each domain has a subjective or mental side and an objective or physical side.
How might we use this model to improve the quality of our lives?

First of all, when making important life decisions, we can consider which of our domains the decision will affect. For instance, the decision to take a new job in a distant city will affect our family and friends, certainly, as well as any local groups we belong to.
We can further consider how the outcome of a decision will affect both the physical and nonphysical aspects of life. If we take a new job that pays a lot more, that sounds very good on the physical side of the equation. Let us also consider whether the job will require a great deal of time away from our children or close friends or even our pets. Is this a job that we may experience as “soul-destroying”, or one that allows us to fulfill a purpose that is dear to our hearts? This sort of thought process makes for a much fuller picture of the “bottom line”.
The domains model serves as a useful blue print for life improvement, as we can assess our well being on each of the domains and focus attention on those we see need some work. The subject of Applied Metapsychology contains many techniques and methods for addressing areas of life that need some unburdening, or some polishing and enhancing.
You can find out more about the domains in both Beyond Psychology: an Introduction to Metapsychology, Fourth Edition, by Frank A Gerbode, MD and Life Skills: Improve the Quality of Your Life with Metapsychology by Marian Volkman